Broadening our Reading Horizons with Blue Spruce!

Every year our school library participates in the Ontario Library Association's Blue Spruce program.  What I love about the program is that it exposes the kids (and me!) to books that we may not of chosen to read for ourselves.  After having read each title, it becomes the new favourite.  This also leads to the kids discovering other books from those authors. 

Each year, 10 Canadian picture books are chosen.  These are the 2014 nominated titles:



Our Teacher-Librarian creates a memory booklet which my students and I always love completing.  It contains a response activity for each book.  This year, I tried my hand at creating a response for each book.  With her permission, I compiled the activities into a packet. 

You can purchase it {here}.

Happy reading!!


  1. Replies
    1. They are! I Dare You Not to Yawn and This Is Not My Hat are probably my favourites.

  2. Sadly, we didn't do Blue Spruce this year... I hope to next year though (I'll suggest it to my librarian :)


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